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18 Creative Blog Post Ideas for Doggie Daycares & Pet Boarding Facilities

Updated: Nov 4, 2021

My last blog post on creative blog post ideas for dog walkers and pet sitters was so popular, so I figured this was a hot topic for other pet businesses like doggie daycares and dog boarding facilities. 

Because, we BOTH know coming up with blog post topics can be a REAL pain, especially when we have a bazillion other things to think about. Like…running an actual business for example. And while blog post writing and web design are my forte, it certainly may not be for those out in the field caring for and managing daycare facilities (I’ve worked at a pet resort and KNOW how crazy it gets).

So, I thought I’d offer up some ideas for you because, even if blog writing isn’t your specialty, it’s still highly recommended. The goal is to help you get more doggie daycare clients and boarding reservations, so you can do what YOU do best.

blog post ideas for dog daycares and pet boarding

1. Interview a Veterinarian

This is a great way to demonstrate that you know about animal health and behavior (because that’s important when someone’s leaving their dog with you all day). Try topics like:

  • How to read your dog’s subtle cues

  • How to prevent kennel cough

  • The importance of puppy socialization

Bonus points: Ask whoever you interview to share the blog post on their social media! This can also be the beginning of a beautiful partnership! For help crafting your partnership email to them, get my FREE partnership email template for pet businesses below.

Partnership emails for doggie daycares

2. Post Something Polarizing

Obviously, we don’t want to go toooo crazy with this so we don't isolate your business or anger people (clients) in your audience; however, more controversial posts are the ones that typically get the most engagement (good and bad). In fact, it’s a-okay if some people don’t like your opinion on this post. This helps you refine and get deeper into connecting with the clients you want to work with because they resonate with you and your message.

3. FAQ Post

Pet Marketing Unleashed is ALL about providing ways to make your life easier and one of the best ways to do that is through your own content. If you have clients asking you the same questions over and over, it’s time to get them into a blog post. This is something that you can send to new clients or include in a Welcome Packet (I have a template for doggie daycare/boarding facilities you may find super helpful, too!). Or, you can simply link to it for more guidance when you get the question. 

4. Tutorial on How to Use Your Booking Software

This one is GOLD, especially when you’re transitioning to new software or have people struggling with how to begin using your software. This can create headaches for you and your daycare staff as they try to educate your clients on how to use the software. The best way to help with this is by creating a step-by-step blog post on everything they need to know about the software. This can be how to get started, how to request a boarding reservation, how to cancel your booking, how to make a payment, and how to update pet info.

5. Ask Your Audience What They Want 

This is one that’s not often used but can be so valuable because your current clients are the best insight into what potential clients may want to learn about. You can ask them directly, whether it be in the form of posting on social media, DM’ing clients individually, creating a survey, asking people via email, or creating a poll on Facebook. Ask them what they want to learn or hear about and go from there!

6. Create a Pet-Friendly Guide for Your Area

Time and time again, this blog post topic becomes the most popular blog post for my

VIP Day clients.

Divide the blog post up into categories: pet-friendly restaurants, dog parks, pet food or supply stores, veterinarians, groomers, photographers, dog trainers, you name it! I highly suggest using places you actually love, frequent, or recommend as the point here isn’t to showcase every single pet-friendly business. It’s to share ones you recommend, which adds to your trustworthiness and personality as a business.

Bonus points: When you share about this post on social media, be sure to tag these businesses so they know they’re featured and can reshare!

7. Tell The Story of How You Got Started

As Simon Sinek famously said,

"People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it."

This is true now more than ever as people are wanting more humanness in their purchases whether it's products or services. The more they can relate and learn about who’s behind the business, the better! Be vulnerable and show people your story and how you founded your doggie daycare facility.

8. Share Upcoming Events Around Town

This is a great option for a fun and SEO-enhancing blog post. The more you can link to other websites in here, the better as that shows Google you want to share other reputable information for your audience, which in turn makes you more reputable. It also showcases your involvement and care for the community. This is a wonderful trait to have because as I’m sure you’re already aware, the pet industry is a very personal one built on trust and love.

9. Outline Your Booking Process And/Or What It’s Like to Work With Your Business

This can give potential clients an inside scoop on what it’s like to work with you. This can help in a multitude of ways:

  • It can weed out clients who aren’t the right fit

  • It can motivate the clients who are the right fit to reach out and already be sold on your pet business

  • It can help you save time (because of all the reasons above) AND you don’t need to hop on unnecessary calls or send unnecessary emails

  • It can build your trustworthiness and transparency as a business in the community

10. Create a Client Spotlight

If you have a dog or cat that you’ve worked with that has significantly changed as a result of working with you (i.e. separation anxiety, too much energy, fear of strangers, etc.), this is a GREAT way to make those pet parents see themselves in your business. This is one of the best tools marketing has to offer. If they can see their energy-filled dog who destroys the furniture out of boredom in your blog post success story, they could also begin to imagine the possibilities that could come from working with you. Imagine if that destruction stopped because they go to daycare all day and come home tired and happy!

11. Share Secrets!

Nothing gets us to hit the 'Read' button more quickly than seeing the words ‘Secrets’ pop up in a title. Think of some things that people would want to know that no one really talks about the industry or in the doggie daycare or pet boarding arena. These are great ways to increase interest and readership.

12. Create a Pre-Reservation Checklist

Again, we’re coming back to the fact that anything you can do to help ease your client process will be beneficial on so many levels! This is a blog post you can share with clients when they first start working with you. This can help you avoid mishaps, back-and-forths, accidents, and unnecessary stress. It’s also great for the reasons listed above under blog post idea number nine. Not to mention these types of blog posts increase your professionalism and legitimacy which is invaluable.

13. Safety Tips for an Upcoming Holiday

Most pet businesses prefer to write more general blog posts like these when it comes to finding topics. They can certainly be great; HOWEVER, I highly recommend finding some way to make it more relevant to your specific community and ideal market. To do this, you can mention your town, certain holiday events, or offer suggestions only relevant to your town. Yes, an increase in web traffic is always positive. BUT, what is the point of getting someone from Australia to click on your blog post if you’re located in Los Angeles?? Consider that when writing all of your blog posts, by the way!

14. Education is BIG for Doggie Daycares

Believe it or not, daycare is still a relatively new concept for many dog owners. Most of them think of it as a fun luxury, and not an important component of their dog’s wellbeing and overall behavior as they grow and age. So, it’s time to educate your audience in a way that appeals to those interested in bettering their relationship with their dog. Introduce concepts and the overwhelming importance of your service. 

I’d recommend being creative in the topic title for this one because just titling ‘Why Doggie Daycare is Important’ may not be enough to get someone through the door, especially when they aren’t even considering doggie daycare yet. It’s more about…why is my dog displaying this behavior, why leaving your dog at home can be destructive, things like that.

15. Highlight a Local Citizen or Business

Nothing’s better than showing your love and involvement in the community. When you support others, people will support you. Simple as that. I’ve written blog posts for clients on interviewing local artists who paint pets, veterinarians offering affordable weekend clinics, or those who are fundraising money to help rescue animals. The options are endless here.

16. Teach Something Fun!

I’m sure you’ve heard it from other marketing professionals out there. Engagement is key when it comes to producing content, so why not have a little fun with it? Perhaps you can share how to create paw print stamps and encourage readers to tag their stamp photos on social media. Create a step-by-step guide on teaching your dog a fun new trick and encourage them to share videos. Also endless options for this type of post.

Many doggie daycares have photo or video contests that perform really well and result in lots of new likes. Perhaps you could double-benefit from the contest by sharing some of the contestants on your blog.

17. Share Pet-Friendly Restaurants

While we have the full pet-friendly guide to your town, there’s a time and place to get a little more specific, especially for my favorite SEO-boosting blog posts for doggie daycare and pet resorts. This is a highly-searched phrase in Google, so it’s time to use it to your advantage.

18. Share Pet Supply Stores or Dog Parks

Same as number 17. There are endless ways to get more specific on all sorts of pet-friendly options in your area. Think about what people would search for in your area and go from there to create blog posts relevant to your town and their pets.


I hope this was SO helpful as you navigated through the ideas here. I highly recommend bookmarking this page, so you can come back to it when you’re struggling with ideas on what to write. If you’re looking for some Instagram ideas for your pet business, I have 33 creative post ideas just for you here.

However, while we're on the topic of blogging, I wanted to tell you a bit about my course, Blogging For Your Pet Biz. This course walks you through the steps of:

- Getting in the right mindset to produce content that attracts your dream clients

- Selecting the RIGHT blog post topics for your pet business for a year

- Writing your blog post titles, outlines, and CTA's

- Implementing blogging SEO

- Marketing your blog posts

And SO much more! If you're at all interested, I highly recommend clicking here to check it out. It is JAM-PACKED full of tips & tricks, perfect for those who know nothing about blogging (or even for those that know a bit more) and need some help creating a process that saves time and increases strategy!

blogging course for doggie daycare and boarding facilities | pet marketing unleashed

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