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Why Clients Aren’t Booking With Your Pet Business

Your business is set up and running. You’ve had clients come in via referral and word-of-mouth. But, your business isn’t quite booming like you thought it would or like how other businesses in your area are.

Queue the typical “IMAGINE THIS” scenario. But really…

CAN you actually imagine being in a place where you:

  • Have a waiting list?

  • Have to expand and hire staff to fulfill the leads coming in?

  • Don’t have to stress about the bills?

Can you visualize it? Please do me a favor (but really).

Stop reading.

Take a few deep breaths with your eyes closed.

Imagine what it would feel like to not have this burden or weight on your shoulders.

Imagine a booming business with new clients inquiring on a daily basis.


Time and time again, pet business owners tell me they have a good website and yet aren’t getting as many new clients as they thought they would outside of referrals.

The most likely answer: your website probably ain’t as great as you thought!

And... here's the biggest reason why:


You're likely:

  • Only using your website as an online business card.

  • Just listing your prices and asking people to call you.

  • Not telling them what the next steps are.

Don't ask website visitors to put forth the extra effort to find time to call you, especially when they don't even know if you're the business they want to work with yet. They don't know if you have the availability. They don't know a lot yet, so you can't expect them to work super hard or give you lots of personal information (like their mailing address) just to initiate any sort of contact. The more work you require of them, the less likely they’ll take action.

You will miss out on SO much opportunity simply because people don't want to pick up the phone and call (don't forget... the majority pet owner are Millennials - they do not want to hop on an unscheduled phone call).

So, here’s what I recommend:

1. Get booking software.

For my recommendations based on your pet business type, visit our blog on software we recommend! You can also visit our Tools page for all things systems and processes.

2. Outline your booking process.

Tell your clients what happens when they reach out. Write out the steps 1-3 and make it simple. Do they need to fill out a contact form, can they create an account on your website or request a booking directly? What does it look like to get set up as one of your clients? List it ON your website, so people are aware.

3. Set up automations.

Many website platforms have the capability to initiate automations for you so you can get clients started without being at your desk. For example, in Wix, you can have contact form submissions redirected to another page on your website or you can send them emails once the contact form goes through. These tools to use your website efficiently can make ALL the difference in securing new pet business leads.

Want the complete blueprint to creating a system that has your website onboarding clients for you?? Watch our free masterclass! By the end, your dream clients will be itching to take the next step to work with you, and you'll be saving tons of time by making your website do the work!


4. Create call-to-actions on every page of your website.

You need to be clear, straightforward, and direct in asking for what you want website visitors to you on your website. Your website needs to have a clear purpose, and with that, clear action steps for those visitors to take.

Make them see that it’s easy to make the move! Tell them which action they should take when clicking your website button. Otherwise, how do they know how to get started? Don't make it hard to get started!

5. Connect with your audience with your branding strategy.

Remember, branding is more than just a logo. It includes all psychology behind the choice of colors, fonts, visuals, the copy, etc. If you don't ooze personality or brand vibes, you will lose people, especially in the pet industry. You need to connect with your ideal clients if you expect them to take action on your website, and the way to do that is your the branding and copywriting on your website. In fact, website visitors will make conclusions about your website within seconds. If you don't capture them from the initial landing on the site, you'll lose them before you even knew they were there. If you need help with branding and/or copywriting, we can help with one of our VIP Days so you can get either done in just ONE day.


The biggest competitors are a lot of pet sitters out there are companies like Rover and Wag.

Do you know what makes Wag and Rover convenient to use from a client perspective?

Their technology!!! They make it easy to book, schedule, and pay. They are technology companies. That’s what they are great at - not necessarily animal care.

So, in order to compete, you need to get on that level. And you can do it - it’s easier than you’d think! If you integrate a booking software, build a great website, and incorporate your heart and personality into your business, you’ll be WELL ahead of them.

While we offer a super simple solution for you, I know it's easier said than done. Otherwise, this wouldn't be such a big issue.

We don't want to come across as 'salesy,' but here's a mindset shift for you. What happens if you don't ask a potential client to book and they go to someone else who isn't as qualified? What if instead, they go to Wag and book someone who's never even walked a dog before and can't handle their dog's separation anxiety? Your website is your opportunity to help a pet family. And, you know your education, certifications, and experience is better than most other providers out there. So, if you're not willing to get the sale, you are potentially taking away the best option for that family. Remember that and have the confidence to promote your services and ask for the booking.

This easy step can make all the difference.

If you need help creating a website that's built with this strategy for pet business owners, I highly recommend our Wix website templates for pet sitters, dog trainers, and pet photographers.


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