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5 Tangible Steps to Help Your Pet Business Truly Stand Out with Max Pet Marketing

As the pet industry continues to grow and grow and grow, concerns over differentiating ourselves as pet business owners also grows.

How in the world do we stand out?

How do we attract the right people?

How do we ensure our business reaches enough people to bring in enough money to have a successful business?!

It goes on and on… and let me tell ya, this is a valid issue. One that deserves to be addressed by the experts!

That’s why I got in touch with Kati from Max Pet Marketing, a company focused on helping pet business owners develop brand strategies without chasing their tails (get it?!). Read our chat below to learn more about how to help your pet biz stand out from the crowd (and keeeeeeep on scrollin’ if you want to dive into your brand strategy with her expertise, education, and feedback along the way!

5 Tangible Steps to Help Your Pet Business Truly Stand Out With Max Pet Marketing | Pet Business Marketing Tips | Pet Marketing Unleashed

Mikaela: Why is it important to differentiate yourself in the first place?

Kati: Pet parents don't trust just anyone when it comes to products and services for their pets, and they have seemingly endless options, so it can be difficult to convince them that you're the right choice. Customers are more likely to choose you over someone else if they understand how you are different and what benefits they would receive by working with your company.

By distinguishing yourself from other businesses, you gain recognition, build customer loyalty, increase visibility, and ultimately drive more profit.

Mikaela: What are the most common mistakes that pet business owners typically make when trying to differentiate themselves?

Kati: Many pet business owners mistakenly think that a logo is all it takes to stand out and then end up marketing an ineffective message. But creating something truly unique and memorable isn't just about having the right visuals.

Pet parents, especially ones that shop small, want to feel a connection with the brands they choose. To truly stand out, you need more than just a logo. You need to create an entire brand experience rooted in authenticity and ensure everything connects together as one powerful message about why someone should choose you. From crafting messaging specifically tailored to resonate with your target audience, defining clear visuals for identity building, it all comes down to clarity of purpose & communicating why people should pick YOU over any other option.

Mikaela: What's the NUMBER one thing pet business owners can do right now to get started?

Kati: The number one thing you can do to stand out in the pet industry is to build an authentic brand that reflects your core values. It should answer why you're passionate and why you do this thing you do. By doing so, it won't take long for people to remember why they should choose *you* over everyone else!

Mikaela: Can you give us some tangible steps to take in order to make this happen?


  1. Research competitors: who are they and what can you do better?

  2. Identify your target audience: who is your ideal customer and what are their pain points? Where do they hang out?

  3. Establish your core values: what's your business mission and what promises do you make to your customers?

  4. Create your brand story: what's your brand's personality? What's your unique selling proposition? What visuals (logo, colors, fonts, etc.) reflect who you are? How else can you incorporate who you are into the customer experience?

  5. Market your business on social media, your blog, email campaigns and other channels: create content for your customers that speaks to them and use it to promote yourself.


Or better yet…

Enroll in Kati’s Pet Brand School, an interactive video training program to help you build an effective brand in just 90 days or less. In addition to the step-by-step videos, students will have the opportunity to turn in their work for her review as many times as they need!

Enrollment ends February 3 and class starts February 15th. Join Pet Brand School Now!

P.S. You can use code LAUNCH23 to get a special offer!

Pssssst… If you’re not ready to enroll, I highly recommend Kati’s free training designed specifically for pet businesses - You’ll learn what even the experts get wrong about branding, how to avoid costly mistakes, and how to create a memorable experience. Watch the training now!

Learn more about Kati

Kati’s been in pet industry sales and marketing since 2010, shortly after graduating with her Bachelor’s in psychology. Since then, She’s worked with thousands of pet businesses of all sizes, and she’s seen what works... and what doesn't. Successful pet businesses have a clear, strong brand strategy that creates a memorable experience and speaks directly to their ideal customer. She uses the principles of brand and consumer psychology to pinpoint strengths, opportunities, and develop a strategy that will resonate with your audience and leave a lasting impression.

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