We’ve written plenty of content regarding SEO… From how to write a blog post optimized for SEO and a general SEO guide to SEO for pet business websites and if switching platforms will affect your rankings. These are great resources for the basic SEO principles you should be implementing on your website.
But what about where SEO is going? What is trending when it comes to SEO? What are the most important factors to consider outside of just completing the basic on-page SEO settings?
Pet Marketing Unleashed is big on combining the basic principles with the overarching best practices and trends, so we’re digging into the latest SEO trends you need to know about to be effective in search engine rankings. Let’s get into it, shall we?

Trend 1: Google wants to see first-person knowledge and experience.
How can we not start off these trends without acknowledging the major disruption that AI tools brought to the market?? There’s no doubt that AI technology like ChatGPT totally transformed the way people approach content writing and business operations. If you’re wanting to learn more about how to approach these tools as a pet business owner, we wrote up a blog post on how to use AI tools for business.
With this transition though, we have to consider what people are craving and what Google is looking for to make sure the best search results show up higher in the search results, and that’s first-hand knowledge and experience. Google even promotes that they are looking for content that follows E-E-A-T guidelines (experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness).
The more you can incorporate first-hand knowledge into your website and blog content, the better. This can be implemented in your sales copy, adding in reviews for your business, or education written in your blog posts. When producing content like this, don’t be afraid to write in your personal and first-hand experience.
This is something that AI tools CANNOT replicate or create for you. It’s only your personal knowledge, which is why Google finds this so valuable.
So, consider conversational language. For example, if you’re writing some tips for dog training, you can write up an example conversation in the blog post. Say you mention… “Positive reinforcement training does not require the use of a clicker.” The owner may ask, “Wait. I thought clickers were a must with positive reinforcement training. Well, here’s what I have to say about that.” Then proceed with your education and first-person knowledge… Writing out conversations like that can make the content more personal and relatable.
Trend 2: People want to feel heard and understood.
As AI tools become more frequently seen on website pages, users are realizing very easily what content is written by a computer or a person.
So, remember this: People do not want to be spoken AT. They want to feel heard. They want to feel understood. They want to connect. They want authenticity.
Do you personally want to read AI-generated content when it comes to finding information about something you struggle with that you need a solution to? Or, do you want to hear personally from the expert you’re inquiring about? If you’re going to any trusted source, you likely want to read THEIR words, not the words of a computer.
Trend 3: Structured data markups may become a thing!
Google recently announced it’s going to support structured data markups. This results in rich results for content pulled from social media and other communities. This is also meant to bolster those first-person perspectives. So, take note that video and social media content may be pulled into search results, and have the opportunity to rank on Google as well. Let your content be an opportunity to connect. Remember the need for the human voice and connection from trend 2.
Trend 4: Get more specific, especially for local businesses.
I’m not sure why, but even after so many marketing professionals and blogging experts educate on this, we don’t really see it implemented very well.
Most blog posts are general topics like…
Why should you choose a professional pet sitter?
The difference between positive reinforcement and balanced training.
Why should you get professional photos of your dog?
These do not result in clicks by potential clients, you guys!! We need to refine our topics down! Google is looking for niche and valuable content, not general posts you can see on every page of the internet. This is ESPECIALLY true for local businesses like most of yours. Create content related to YOUR area and YOUR potential clients.
This will result in higher rankings FOR things that actually can result in more business. Because… who cares if you increase website traffic for people out of your state? They won’t be clients. While you may have smaller numbers overall, you’ll show up higher for the things that truly matter and that’s website results for your local potential clients.
Trend 5: Website engagement may become a more important metric
Google is using metrics to try and understand how satisfied people are with your content. This answer shows in metrics like:
The amount of time they spend on a page
The bounce rate
Clicks on buttons
Email sign-ups
Clicks on more pages vs. leaving the site, etc.
So, try to consider how you can get people engaged with your content. Add calls to action, buttons, graphics, polls, quizzes, opt-ins, etc. to your blog content. Link to other blog posts on your site and create a process for your readers to follow.
Trend 6: Authority may be a bigger deal, even off-page SEO
That’s right. Google isn’t JUST looking for a website that implements the best SEO settings. Anyone can pay for that or implement it themselves, but that doesn’t mean it’s the best and highest-quality website, right?
That means they need to shift how they increase authority for a website to know it’s legitimate and an authority in the space. So, it’s time to look outside of your website to increase authority. This comes from places like:
Optimizing your Google Business Profile and Yelp pages.
Pitching yourself to be a guest on a podcast or other blog so you can show up on other websites.
Joining local business groups where they show members on their website.
Getting more reviews on your Google Business Profile or Yelp pages.
Basically… showing up more OUTSIDE of just your website as a reputable and active business!
Trend 7: Refreshing previous content is KING
This is a great time saver and something worth doing every month, in my opinion. Go through older blog posts or a certain page of your website and refresh the content with more relevant and up-to-date information. As you learn more about SEO and educate yourself on the topics you’re writing about, you may find that there is better information to put out there, or perhaps better SEO settings than you had prior. Instead of starting a new blog post from scratch, you can update your old one.
Here’s what that does:
It tells Google that you’re relevant and care about high-quality information on your website.
It ensures your website is accurate and up to date.
It saves you time while still enhancing your website and increasing your traffic.
Trend 8: Collaborations and co-authors
Instead of focusing entirely on backlinks, Google is shifting into a space where you can showcase the authors of your blog, where relevant. If you have a team, see if they want to contribute to the blog. You can feature them as an author as a great way to increase the first-hand and personal experience of the content on your page. Another way to do this is to bring community experts together to create a blog post. For example, if you’re writing a blog post on ensuring a safe Halloween in your specific neighborhood or city, perhaps you can bring in a tip from your local veterinarian, a tip from your local dog trainer, a tip from your local groomer, a tip from your local pet sitter, and a tip from a local pet photographer. Together, they can all contribute to the blog post. This has a myriad of benefits:
It increases brand awareness as each of these experts can share the blog with their community.
It fosters connections and partnerships with other pet business owners in your community, which we are BIG proponents of. We have lots of resources on your site regarding business partnerships.
It increases authority and first-hand knowledge and experience, which Google loves to see.
Understanding where Google and its users are shifting when it comes to using search engines can make such a big difference when it comes to your content creation process as a pet business owner. We highly suggest implementing these trends as you go about your blogging and website updating this year.
If you want to learn more about SEO, check out our SEO Course for Pet Businesses coming soon. Join the waitlist now so you can stay in the loop when the course launches!